Rabu, 30 November 2016

Weight Loss Can Be Predicted Risk of Disease Someone

Weight Loss Can Be Predicted Risk of Disease Someone
According to a recent study from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 9 out of 10 Australian adults live with at least one risk factor for cardiovascular disease.
Among the risk factors, obesity is a risk factor among the highest in the habit of smoking, lack of physical activity, rarely eat fruits and vegetables, the habit of consuming alcoholic beverages, high-pressure daraha and many lagi.Obesitas and kesehatanObesitas disorders is one of the serious problems in world health. Besides increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity can also be life-threatening to aggravate and trigger various complications of certain diseases, such as:
- Disease heart-Some cancers such as breast, colon and endometrial- diabetes type-2 high-blood pressure Shortness of breath bladder disease empedu- reproductive hormone disorders Sleep apnea Osteoarthritis (knee) - Ovarian Syndrome polikistik- insulin-resistance levels uric acid high- fertility Disorders back pain under- fetal malformations associated with obesity mother Measuring body fat Increased Health risks Related to weight BadanMenurut American National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) assessment of the risks associated with being overweight can be done with 3 ways, namely: - measuring body mass index (BMI) or body mass index, waist circumference Measure, and- Knowing the risk factors associated with obesitasBMI a measurement method by linking or comparing body weight to height. While measuring the waist circumference is often used to determine levels of fat accumulated in the abdomen. These two methods can be combined to determine a person's risk factor in developing certain diseases due to obesity.
How to measure body mass using BMIBMI is a number that indicates the ratio between weight and height used to determine a person's weight category of the person, whether the person is underweight, overweight, obesity (obesity) or weight normal.BMI is relative indicator of body fat that can be used to estimate a person's risk of diseases associated with weight not normal.BMI calculated using the formula: weight (in kilograms) divided by height squared (in meters). Here's how the math:

BMI is calculated using the formula: weight (in kilograms) divided by height squared (in meters). Here's how the math:
The results of the above formula can be classified into the following table:

BMIStatus Weight

Less than 18.5

18.5 - 24.9
Normal (ideal)

25.0 - 29.9

30.0 or more
Overweight (Obesity)

Measuring Rim Pinggangdr. Fiastuti Witjaksono, SpGK (K), a specialist in nutrition from the Faculty of medicine-RSCM, said, "Waist circumference is not only an indicator of obesity, but also reflect the overall health of the body," as quoted from similar Antaranews.Hal submitted by the American National Heart Lung and Blood Institute that says that for women, the ideal waist circumference should not be more than 88 cm, equivalent to four and a half inch of themselves. While for men is 102 cm or five inch sendiri.Mereka who have a waist circumference and abdominal exceeds the ideal size, risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension and dangerous disease is not contagious lainnya.Untuk, he also appealed to women and men with normal BMI to be vigilant with regard waistlines this mereka.Berikut table to facilitate your understanding of the relationship of BMI, waist circumference with the risk of certain diseases.

Note: * The risk of disease is type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease. + Increased waist circumference could be a marker for increased risk even in people with normal weight.
If you think that your current weight can put your health at risk, now you know how to estimate the risk factors that may encounter.
Consult a doctor immediately if you feel you have risk factors that can endanger your life.

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Kamis, 24 November 2016

Cara Menurunkan Berat Badan Alami

Cara Menurunkan Berat Badan Alami

Sebuah Panduan Singkat Untuk Membeli The Bowflex PR3000

Bowflex PR3000 home gym memberikan latihan tubuh lengkap dengan keuntungan terbesar bagi pengguna. Menggunakan sistem katrol Daya Rod dipatenkan, Anda tidak perlu lagi menyesuaikan kabel antara set sehingga latihan Anda mengalir dengan mudah dan tanpa gangguan. Pelatih dan pecinta olahraga sama menganggap PR3000 untuk menjadi versi upgrade dari pendahulunya, PR1000 tersebut. Dibutuhkan pada fitur menguntungkan dari yang terakhir dengan memperbaiki mereka dan memperkenalkan fitur baru yang berharga juga.

 Desain ini memungkinkan Anda untuk nada tubuh Anda di mana itu penting khususnya dada, bahu, punggung, dan terutama abs. Lebih dari lima puluh latihan dapat dicapai pada Bowflex PR3000; peningkatan besar dari pendahulunya yang hanya menawarkan hingga tiga puluh rutinitas latihan. Keseluruhan janji latihan tubuh terlihat oleh panduan langkah-demi-langkah yang tersedia dengan setiap pembelian model ini. Anda dapat menggunakannya sebagai referensi ketika Anda melakukan bahu sisi menimbulkan resistensi duduk sit-up perut, latihan betis berdiri, latihan dada (tanjakan dan penurunan), rotasi duduk untuk pers militer pertengahan bagian, ab crunches, paha depan, latihan leher penguatan, trisep pull-down, dan banyak lagi. panduan olahraga lainnya, tersedia di situs Bowflex.

 Lain peningkatan penting dari PR1000 adalah dimasukkannya bantal rol kain untuk latihan kaki di Bowflex PR3000. Sementara semua kaki dan gerakan tubuh yang lebih rendah dapat dilakukan dengan model sebelumnya, banyak pelanggan mengeluh tentang menjadi terlalu tinggi untuk memiliki latihan kaki memuaskan di atasnya. Model ini sekarang memiliki empat inci rol kain bantal untuk secara khusus menangani kaki latihan penguatan.

 Fitur baru lainnya yang mengesankan tersedia di Bowflex PR3000 adalah lampiran kaki. The PR1000 tidak memiliki hal seperti itu. ulasan pelanggan ditulis mengangkat isu tidak mampu melakukan ikal kaki diterima dan menimbulkan di atasnya. Dengan model ini, Anda dapat mengharapkan bantal rol kain dapat Anda gunakan untuk ekstensi kaki dan ikal kaki untuk benar-benar berat kaki dan betis latihan.

 Selain itu, jumlah latihan fisik yang dapat Anda lakukan pada Bowflex PR3000 telah meningkat menjadi lima puluh dari tiga puluh hanya dapat diperoleh dengan PR1000 tersebut. Hal ini disebabkan oleh dan besar untuk pengenalan lampiran leg ditambah fakta bahwa Anda dapat meng-upgrade hingga 310 pon perlawanan pada Rods Power. Lebih kompleks dan latihan yang intens sekarang mungkin dengan desain ini, termasuk penurunan dan miring bangku menekan, duduk menekan militer, deltoid lateral yang menimbulkan, berdiri ekstensi punggung bawah, sempit surut grip tarik, trisep ekstensi, duduk sit-up perut tertimbang, rotasi trunk, Quadricep penguatan , squats, berdiri betis menimbulkan, dan banyak lagi. Setiap gym dilengkapi dengan serangkaian pictorials latihan untuk melayani buku sebagai visual selama program pelatihan, meskipun program pelatihan lainnya, tersedia di situs Bowflex.

 Bowflex PR3000 saat ini memiliki 4.5 dari sistem nilai dari pelanggan bintang lima rata-rata di Amazon. Tak terhitung dari ulasan pelanggan ditulis berbicara tentang menjadi bahagia di perbaikan dan fitur baru yang diperkenalkan dengan model ini. Secara keseluruhan, konsensus adalah konstruktif dan memuji peningkatan terlibat dengan pembuatan PR3000 sistem home gym

Senin, 07 November 2016

4 Reasons Women's Hard to Lose Weight - K

4 Reasons Women's Hard to Lose Weight - K
You already know the key to losing weight: adjust your diet (including decrease) and exercise. But if you've been doing it this way, but weight does not also fall even actually increased, chances are you have a health condition that is sabotaging your efforts to slim this. The symptoms were indeed vague, so doctors often do not realize it. But basically, there are four things that cause women difficult to lose weight badan.1. Experiencing food intolerance tertentuKebanyakan of us easily recognize the symptoms of food allergy, for example, appear rash after eating shrimp or crab. But the majority would not be able to distinguish what is a food allergy and food intolerance. Naturally, we also do not know how to deal with food ini.Alergi occurs when the immune system incorrectly identifies food as something dangerous, and the reaction is quite fast. While food intolerance has a variety of causes, including a lack of digestive enzymes (such as in the case of lactose intolerance), or sensitive to food additives, and tend to be visible after some time, according to Elizabeth W. Boham, MD, RD, a family physician at The UltraWellness Center in Lenox, Massachusetts.Mengonsumsi food '' problem '', such as dairy products, flour, eggs, soy, corn, and beans, can cause bloating and increase the weight of the water. Other symptoms you can experience include, diarrhea, constipation, mild asthma, eczema, headaches, muscle and joint pain, and fatigue. Experts estimate that food intolerance affects 1 out of 10 orang.Ahli Gastroenterology expert of the disease or may diagnose the problem, but you can prevent it by choosing the right foods. Dr Boham advised to start getting rid of starchy foods and dairy (this is the biggest cause) for two to three weeks. If you have not seen any change, also avoid eggs, corn, soy, and nuts, and foods containing food coloring and preservatives. After several weeks, slowly introduce these foods back, one by one, to find out his reaction. 2. Have tiroidKelenjar functioning thyroid produces hormones that regulate the way your body uses energy. Underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) can mess up your metabolism, besides affecting other aspects of your health. It is estimated that 10 percent of adults (especially women) aged 40-50 years experienced hypothyroidism.Bagaimana symptoms that indicate the presence of hypothyroidism? In addition to weight gain or inability to lose weight, you'll fatigue, hair loss, dry skin, joint pain and muscle weakness, heavy menstruation, sensitive to cold air, even depression. However, people who suffer from hypothyroidism lower levels will only feel weak, with no signs of sakit.3. Chaos hormonSebanyak 1 in 10 women of childbearing age suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), or polycystic ovary syndrome. This is a condition where a woman's ovaries produce excess male hormones. In addition to causing ovulation problems and infertility, PCOS will also cause insulin resistance, which is a mistake in the way the body processes blood sugar. This condition is often associated with excess fat storage, particularly around the waist. Be careful, if untreated, insulin resistance can cause you diabetes type 2. If you experience these problems, common symptoms are irregular menses, excessive hair growth in areas of the body and the face, acne, baldness with a pattern like in men, difficulty conceiving, along with weight gain unexplained cause. However, not everyone with PCOS have a weight problem badan.4. Taking drugs tertentuBeberapa types of drugs, such as antidepressants, steroids, and birth control pills, have some side effects such as weight gain. This is due to the increasing water retention on a temporary basis. Try to observe, if you gain weight in a few months, even a few weeks, once started taking new medicines, meaning that it is drugs that cause.
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